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Tetiana Kobzar

"We want peace for our children"

views: 1352

Everything that happens is the abuse of mental health among children, elderly and disabled people! The situation in which my family and, to be more specific, my 36-year-old daughter Svitlana found themselves can only be called hopeless.

 12 years ago, my daughter was diagnosed with chronic inflammatory bowel disease. Since that time she requires supportive medication therapy. Doctors recommend avoiding any stress and following a strict diet. The disease is accompanied by acute pain, fatigue and frequent relapses. But how can we even talk in terms of keeping to a diet and avoiding stress if the war is by the window?

We are all shaking here, afraid to let the children go outside. The children are indeed our biggest concern. We live here as if we were on the front line. We had no water or electricity in the summer. However, we did have constant shooting attacks. We hid in basements, and when we managed to come out, we cooked our food over campfires.

For several months, we were evacuated to the west of Donetsk Oblast. And at the end of October 2014, we decided that it was time to return to our native village of Yasynuvata. But it was a dead end: Svitlana's husband could not get a job. The daughter herself is on maternity leave taking care for a five-year-old child, who is also often sick. And the price for life-saving medications has tripled!

 Earlier my sister from Moscow helped Svitlana buy medications, but we have lost all contacts. Pensioners haven't been awarded their pensions for a few months. We have no money to buy medications.

 The Rinat Akhmetov Foundation helped us and provided us with medicines for three months. What about other authorities? They don't seem to care. They are waiting for us to eat all the dogs here, aren't they?

 They tell us to leave for safe districts. But how can we do that? My husband has been paralysed for eight years, we can't leave, we can only hope for someone else to help us.

 We live only in the hope that all this will end soon. We want peace for our children and grandchildren, so that they could attend school and not get killed.

When quoting a story, a reference to the source – the Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation – is mandatory, as follows:

The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Yasinovataya 2014 Text Civilian's stories
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