Olha Moskovychenko was in Kyin on the 24th of February. She said she didn’t understood how to survive. 

“No money, no products at all. The bread was gone.”

The tanks started moving along the Zhytomyr highway. There were fierce fights on Shuliavka district. Survival began on the fifth day, it was like a blockade. The bridge form the highway side was blown up. Bombs, missiles, and Grad rockets were attacking. 

“On April 13-14, I get a shell shock. Two missiles exploded near to our house. There were missile attacks from Belarus. One missile exploded in front of the house and the other one – behind. The house remained without any glasses. We boarded the windows up,” Olha said.

All these events are reflected in Olha’s war diary. “War through the artist’s eyes.” There was an exhibition in Stockholm with such denomination. 32 pictures. 32 days of survival.