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"I slept for 40 minutes on the floor in my office - we helped evacuate our colleagues from other regions"

views: 234

Svitlana is the head of the HR department at one of DTEK's energy companies. She recalls how, from the first day of the war, huge efforts were made to evacuate employees from the war-torn regions. How small convoys were formed, how they travelled to the west of Ukraine for several days. Now the company is periodically under rocket attack. That is why it is also on the frontline - the frontline of the country's energy front.

When quoting a story, a reference to the source – the Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation – is mandatory, as follows:

The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
2022 2023 2024 Video Civilian's stories women psychological injury shelling safety and life support Job the first day of the war
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