I live in the city of Krasnogorovka. Since the beginning of hostilities, my daughters have been living with me, after they moved from Donetsk and Lugank.

In 2014, in June, a shell hit in the garden of our neighbor and partially destroyed the summer extension along with the sheds [owned by Lyubov Ivanovna]. We repaired the windows on our own and partially restored the sheds. All this required an input of money and efforts, but somehow we made it.

I am 91 years old, my daughters are 65 and 66 years old, we are all pensioners.

Pensions are small. There has been no gas in our city for three years now. You have to heat the stove and the boiler for heating and cooking. Last season, only the firewood and coal costed seven thousand hryvnias.

Evidently, it's a shame that we have to pay such money for it, but otherwise nothing can be done. Now is May, and we already should buy firewood and coal, and this requires a lot of money, so we’ll have to save on food.

I am already living through the second war. Of course, it's a shame that all these years I had to live in poverty.

I want to express my thankfulness to the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, which supports us, pensioners, with food in this hard time. Nowadays all food has risen in price, and we, pensioners, can’t afford to buy even an extra kilogram of cereals and sugar, not to mention canned food. May God grant the Foundation's employees and organizers of aid good health for their help and participation in supporting pensioners.