In January 2015, Vostochnyi mikrorayon in Mariupol was shelled. A lot of people were killed and injured that day. I went to one of the Kyiv markets with my sister. They started shooting – I fell to the ground immediately. The shell fragmentation hit my hip and shattered the hand bones.

To be honest, I didn't think it would end well at all. I thought that people do not survive in such situations. When I came to my senses, I saw corpses everywhere. Everything was on fire.

I had a wound earlier – the hand radial nerve was affected. They installed me a Ilizarov apparatus. Then it was changed into a lighter version In Kyiv. The hand was hanging flat because of the nerve injury. I went to rehabilitation Center  to do exercises. Thus, the hand was gradually restored. I can already raise it and reach my nose, my chin, and tidy my hair. I can comb and braid my hair.

I really want to get back to dancing. I try to work with my hands - follow the exercise instructions. I understand that it is definitely difficult, but there are no shortcuts.