Serhii is a pro-Ukrainian activist. From March 1 to March 25, 2022, he and his family lived in an Azovstal bomb shelter.

“Kadyrov's men shot up my house from a tank. Several neighbors remained under the ruins. The son of a classmate was also killed,” recalls Mariupol resident Serhii.

There was water and dry rations in the shelter. Together with the Dukhno family, 32 people lived there. They divided the dry rations equally, 5 for each person.

“Me, my wife, my son, two 80-year-old ladies, two men. On March 25, at dawn, we left “Azovstal”. We reached the checkpoint, 3 km away. The shelling with “Grad” started. A woman was torn in half 100 meters away. People started to panic. After two hours, we went further under a concrete fence,” says Serhii.