Starting with my maternal grandfather, Spisyn Nikanor Tarasovych, who was brought from the village of Skotovata in the Yasynovata district to the village of Pisky to work for master at the end of the XIX century, we all lived in the village of Pisky. In 1926, my mother was born, and my children were born there, as well as my two grandchildren. Five generations.
In August 2014, due to well-known events, I had to leave our village. My youngest son Maxim, born in 1983, stayed there. He died of acute heart failure on January 8, 2015. The AFU soldiers were able to bring him to Pokrovsk, where he is buried.
By this time my husband also died, so my son and husband are buried in the Central cemetery of Pokrovsk.
As a migrant, I have been living in Pokrovsk since August 3, 2014. I rent a small house with my eldest son Roman. Before the war, he lived and worked in the city of Yasynovata with his civil wife. We left for Pokrovsk in August 2014. In November, his wife left town, leaving a four-month-old baby who is now with us. Roman has another child from his first marriage and this kid also lives with us.
We are not allowed to go to Pisky, the last time I was there in June 2017. I was home for half an hour. I took a picture of what was left of the house. Roman's house is completely burned down.
We left in August 2014 in what they had on us. Thanks to the residents of Pokrovsk, neighbors, and volunteers who helped us just survive for the first time. All our thoughts are of the house and we see it in dreams every night.
When quoting a story, a reference to the source – the Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation – is mandatory, as follows:
The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation