On January 14, 2023, the city of Dnipro was under a missile attack. One of the missiles destroyed two entrances of a nine-story building on Peremohy Embankment. 63 apartments were completely destroyed. 46 residents of the building died, six of them were children, 81 people were injured, and 9 more are missing.

The beloved girlfriend of Anton Hrinchenko, Eva, was home that day. At the moment of impact, she fell into the abyss along with the apartment and found herself under the rubble. Anton arrived at the scene of the tragedy a few minutes after the explosion. He rushed to dig out the rubble and provide medical aid to the victims even before the ambulance arrived. Anton saved two people. But he couldn’t find Eva...

At that time, a military man pulled Anton’s beloved from the rubble, and she was taken to the hospital. Anton was almost all the time beside Eva during her treatment and recovery. And on February 5, on the girl’s birthday, he proposed to his beloved...