I couldn't see my closest people – my children and grandchildren – for almost a year because of the hostilities. I feel truly alone for the first time in 80 years. There are times when I just sit on a bench, and the neighbors ask why I sit like that. And I say that I just wait for someone to come. Minutes seem like an eternity in such case.

I feel truly alone for the first time in 80 years

I was not so scared even during World War II. I think it's a miracle that I'm still alive. No matter how we were bombed, no matter how scared we were, God protects us. Luckily, shells didn't explode in our yards, but they flew over our heads all year.

A few of months ago it seemed to have settled, but a new problem appeared — winter was about to come. We had to prepare for it. The heating system in my house went out of order last winter. I had to move into the summer kitchen to stay warm.

The gas supply has been cut off in the village. Thus, it is a problem to stock up on coal for the winter. Not only is fuel in the remote areas in short supply today, but the prices for it are stratospheric – UAH 1,700 per ton.