Eight-year-old Yegor likes to walk on the playground. Usually there's no one there if there's a shooting. We have a front-line city. Shrapnel from shells is everywhere, even near the site, in a tree, in a bench. Yegor saw through the window how the shells were coming, how people were running.

It's not just the war that brings nightmares to our lives. Last summer, Yegor started having suffocation attacks right at school. The teacher asked me to pick him up. When we got home, he started choking again. He was taken by ambulance to a hospital in a nearby town. We were driving along the front-line roads for an hour and a half. The child did not recover until five days later. Tests confirmed that he has a severe allergy to ragweed pollen.

The worst thing is that there was no opportunity to buy the medicine, it was simply not on sale. Good people suggested contacting the Charity Fund of Rinat Akhmetov.