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Svitlana Chyzhova

"I'm horrified of war"

views: 810

I came to Novohnativka two years ago and just didn't recognize the village where I spent my childhood. It is a surprise if we meet a couple of people on the street. Mostly there are no people, everyone tries to stay at home, they are afraid.

The house where I grew up is on the outskirts. It's very dangerous here. The neighbors are gone, their houses were destroyed with fire. In our summer kitchen, the shock wave also shattered glass.

I have four children. Despite the danger, I came to the village to look after my sick grandmother. Two years ago, she had a stroke – and now she doesn't get out of bed, doesn't hear or speak. I had no other choice, I had to help my grandmother and mother – they stayed here.

We hear shelling all the time. All the family hides in the basement. But we can't get our grandmother down into the basement.

I'm horrified of war. And I am not so much afraid that I will suffer, but I am afraid for the children.

We have no work in the village, we survive due to social payments and pensions. This is barely enough for the most essential needs. I really want to treat children with delicious food, take them to playgrounds and swings, and give them joy, but it doesn't always work out.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Novohnativka 2017 Text Civilian's stories
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