The events that have taken place in the Donbas since 2014 have greatly influenced the fate of my family. The entire pregnancy was spent in fear for myself, my child, my husband, my family, in constant worries and waiting for the horror called ATO to end soon.

My baby was born on November 28, 2014, healthy with huge black eyes. Three days later, we were transferred to intensive care for newborns in the city Hospital No. 6, where the child was diagnosed with progressive jaundice, and I had no milk to feed the baby. The baby was transferred to artificial feeding.

And then we were overtaken by another shock-the economic blockade of the Donbass. It's very hard to remember. How hard it was to get the mixes and diapers and how much it cost, how the food did not fit the child and how there was nothing at all in the stores…

We are very grateful to Rinat Akhmetov Humanitarian Center for the kits for a baby, where there were diapers and mixes, purees and porridges "Karapuz", which the baby ate until 1 year. Everything came in handy!

Another blow for our family was the shutdown of the metallurgical plant where my husband worked in December 2015. The realization that there is no way to find a stable job in the conditions of fighting and economic blockade has forced our family to split up. My husband works in Vinnytsia region, and my baby and I live and wait for him in Donetsk.

I am sure that the reason for the illness of my son Kostya, who is now almost three years old, was the military actions and the further development of the political situation in the Donbas. Bronchial asthma is usually incurable. The baby can't do without medications that relieve suffocation attacks, and we depend on them every day.

My family lives in the hope that peace will soon come to our native Donbass, there will be a stable job for my husband, and he will finally return to his beloved Donetsk. Everyone will forget what a checkpoint is, and we will again go to the Donbass Arena, where the Shakhtar team plays.