Since the beginning of the war, the pharmacy does not work, patients can only be helped in the local outpatient clinic. I've been a family doctor for six years, and I should have retired a long time ago. But no one dares to go to a war zone. And when civilians were brought in during the escalation of the conflict, we had to work in extreme conditions.

War changes people forever. People begin to think differently, to treat their duties differently. My opinion is that when the war ends people will be very ill. Now they have a spring tightened inside them, and when this is all over, it will explode.

I still remember that time with horror. We were completely without medication, we had no emergency care. It was a shock to me. At first, there was no dressing material.

Our life has stopped in the village. Businesses have stopped, there is no work. We did not think that such a war would start. There were dead and injured people. And the chances of salvation are very small.