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Konstantyn Vorontsov

"We believe that life will be the same. We don't need anything else"

views: 1239

I came under fire twice in Donetsk and survived twice. The first time I was injured at the dacha, near the airport. The second time it happened near the house as I did not have time to run into the entrance hall.

We, the residents of the village where the Oktyabrskaya Coal Mine is located, take the shooting as the order of the day. There hasn't been a single day of silence for two years. There is no living space on our house.

When I retired, I never thought that after working for almost half a century in the mine, I would be an invalid in my old age. The doctors took out a few fragments but did not touch the rest. I do not know how many of them remain in the body now.

 There are only a few families left in our house. The others left and gave me the keys. I go and check the condition of the apartments after each attack. 

 We believe that one day our life will be the same. We don't need enything else. 

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Donetsk 2014 Text Civilian's stories
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