We are a happy family with many children. Before the war, we lived like many families. I was on maternity leave, my dad worked at a factory. We dreamed of making a good overhaul, and go with wholeour family to relax at sea, and to educate children.

There was stability, there were plans and dreams. In one instant, all plans were interrupted by the war...

Our life has changed radically. Our cheerful and happy children have turned into frightened kittens that spend nights in basements.

We couldn't even imagine that the shelling was not the worst thing that could happen. Of course, a stable salary at the plant helped us survive. Several families survived on wages, since there was no other income.

But it turned out that there could be something worse than a basement and shelling. One terrible morning, my youngest daughter started having epileptic seizures. At that time she was only one year and four months old. Since then, our wanderings around the hospitals commenced. Everything else was not so frightening. We got used to it.

Our family has only grown stronger and has become even tougher. Children help me in everyday life, our dad does not sit idly by, works and looks for any part-time job.

After a while, I turned to the “Here to Help” headquarters, as we stopped managing financially.

It was, of course, embarrassing and humbling, but we were left with no choice. Two schoolchildren, a child on permanent medications. It was unrealistic to prepare them for school.

Children grow up quickly, clothing, shoes, food - our head is spinning. Yes, of course, I understand that our children, in general, are our problems. But who knew that everything would be like this?

We are infinitely grateful to the Foundation. He saves the most precious thing in this life - the lives of our children. We wish him peaceful sky and health.