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«I had Armageddon in front of my eyes»

views: 52

In 1995, Yevheniia went to work at Luhansk thermal power plant. In early June 2014, the shelling started. Many people left. There was a big crowd at the railway station in Luhansk, and Yevheniia almost lost her son. After moving, she got a job at a thermal power plant with her former director. During the last attack on the station, Yevheniia was impressed by the bravery of her colleagues, whom she considers real heroes.

When quoting a story, a reference to the source – the Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation – is mandatory, as follows:

The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
2022 2023 2024 Video Civilian's stories women moving psychological injury shelling safety and life support Job internally displaced persons the first day of the war occupation
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