I have three daughters and a son who is only four months old. And has already been in danger more than once. He was sleeping in his crib by the window, when something banged, and he woke up. After that, the sisters do not leave the baby, alone. They sit in a safe room.

We all hide in this room when we hear gunshots and explosions in the street.
My children have not lived a peaceful life for four years. When they start shooting, we just don't want to do anything, we felt utterly discouraged. Children stay at home almost all the time. I let them go out on the street only on one condition: not to go to the wood line or the fields, because they are mined.
The bombardment is so strong that the ground starts shaking. The walls of the house are already cracked. We made repairs in the summer,. They started shooting – everything has to be redone again.
We have to heat the house with firewood, coal is too expensive. The main thing is to warm up and feed the four children.