I was born in Donetsk. This is the place where everything is good for me. We,, my family and I, have everything we need. These are shops, shopping centers, parks, cinemas and much more, but there is no PEACE in our city.

In 2014, our city heard the words 'war', 'Grad', 'tank' ...

In March, my family went to my grandmother's, in Yenakiieve. We left once my brother was born. He was several months old at that time. Having lived at my grandmother's for a while, we drove back as we thought that everything was already fine. As soon as we arrived home, mum and dad had to decide where to go next, because they were  worried sick about us.

The following day, our grandmother called us and said that a Boeing plane had fallen in a nearby town. They was passports and people's belongings flying around. About a month later, my grandparents witnessed the beginning of war....

I hope that peace will come in Donbass and we will all go to our native home.