At the beginning of the full-scale invasion, Tetiana Lebid took her large family and friends under her wing. Fifteen adults and three children! They thought it would be safer in the village. But Kolonshchyna, where Tetiana lives, found itself under occupation.

Women and the youngest were hidden in the basement during the shelling. Tatiana was worried: how to feed everyone? Food stocks were diminishing. Later, the family reunited with their neighbors. They were able to get provisions. They didn't forget about the others in the village! Tetiana delivered rations down the street. But the longer it went on, the more the woman worried about the fate of her daughters-in-law, nieces, and children. They refused to go without her.

But when dense shelling began, they decided to get out. Tatiana prayed all the way. Until the large family reached the first Ukrainian checkpoint.

After the liberation of Kyiv region, Tetiana Lebid organized a powerful volunteer movement in Kolonshchyna. For more than a year, every day on weekdays, women weave camouflage nets and kikimoras for the Armed Forces of Ukraine. They approach the cause professionally: they work as a mini-shop. Donations are collected for materials. And when products are sent to the frontline, they make sure to wrap surprise gifts for the defenders.