During a dreadful shelling, one of the shells exploded in a neighboring garden. Our house was damaged with fragments, the windows flew out, the roof was chopped. My husband and I were at that time in the house. The spouse suffered a heart attack because of the stress. He was a Chernobyl fighter, could not withstand it all.

We waited a long time for the ambulance, because we did not have ambulances in our area. The vehicle had to come from Mariupol. We had no mobile phones, we were looking for a long time for a way to call ...

My grandson Danil never saw his grandfather, he was born a year and a half after this tragedy. My daughter Angela cannot leave me alone and go, but she already has no strength to stay with her child on the front lines. It is impossible to walk to the river with the baby - the fields and forests are mined. Those who did not know about it were trapped and perished. Ever since the start of hostilities, nine people have already died.

There is no work in the village, we do not know how to provide for ourselves. We had a cow and a calf, but now I am not able to maintain them, so I have only chickens.