(Fedor) Houses shuddered, the explosions were here, mines, shells fell in the gardens... It was scary, of course. There were also dead people here, one man is not far there, he lived near the river. He died in the yard - a splinter hit him ...

“This is horror! It’s the same six years that they’ve been shooting every day!”

 In 2015 shelling was heavy here too. At that time a mine fell down to a neighbor's garden, a summer kitchen was shattered completely. The neighbor got hit in the yard; it was horrible - the glass flew off. It was just eleventh of February.

“This is horror! It’s the same six years that they’ve been shooting every day!”

(Nadezhda) My husband was not at home. I dressed warmly, walked around, counted the broken windows, looked. Here. I raised the window. Neighbors helped me. They invited me to come! I said: no, no, I'm here.

(Fedor) Not far from here the roof was wrecked. Then, a little below, there is the street where Dmitry Ivanovich got a shell into the house. Later in the garage there was a fire with military trucks - the shells exploded until the evening, from Ammunition trucks. Then it was scary. And they shot for sure. 

I was sitting under the tree on the other side, when they started firing from mine-throwers, I counted 54 mines.

Last year I fixed all the cracks in the kitchen, my wife painted everything. Now you can come and see what 's going on. Here there was such a gap. The house was shaking after the explosions, and it does not stand still. It is a horror! Well, how it is, six years they are shooting. 

“This is horror! It’s the same six years that they’ve been shooting every day!”

I had a heart attack due to these attacks, an extensive heart attack. They did stenting. From the year 2014 it began - I go to hospitals, and I can hardly get out of there.

“This is horror! It’s the same six years that they’ve been shooting every day!”

The Red Cross helped us, then Rinat Akhmetov, after the Red ... The Red Cross said: that’s it, we are no longer helping, Akhmetov began to help us. Flour, sugar, pasta, cereals, peas, oil ... What else should it be? Paste, it enough for me and the old lady.

 (Nadezhda) Without the help of Rinat Akhmetov it would be very, very difficult. Products are even more expensive, than in Mariupol, and there is no longer strength to bring them from there.

We are waiting, of course, for peace and restoration. If the youth comes back, of course, it can be restored. The animals will be brought in and they will also live peacefully.

(Fedor) We are already tired of all this; I have no more patience. As soon as they start shooting - everything is in full swing.

(Nadezhda) At three ten [ in the morning] we got up - and we can’t fall asleep anymore; they start shooting, at 12 not so much, and at three ten it was already strong. And it is day after day, and it is not so easy.