On February 26, 2022, the occupation forces entered Prymorsk, Zaporizhzhia region. Olha SKRΥPCHENKO lived there and taught Ukrainian language and literature to children. From the very first days of the full-scale invasion, the woman did not want to just sit back and do nothing. She bravely joined other citizens in protests and actively opposed the russian invasion. Olha's home was visited several times with inspections and raids. The FSB interrogated the teacher, threatened her and demanded her to speak Russian. Olha could not stand the occupation and barely managed to leave her native Prymorsk.

It was about the difficult path of leaving the occupation that she wrote a story that won the essay competition organised by the Museum of Civiian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation. She did not give up her favourite job and continues to teach Ukrainian to children online.