Avdiivka is a small town. I went to school there, started drawing from the age of five. I also went to dances in the recreation center. My mother and I often went to the store after school when she picked me up, and she would buy me something delicious.

I came to visit my grandmother, who lives near Avdiivka, in the village of Orlivka. We were walking there, everything was peaceful, everything was good. And then the shelling of Avdiivka began.

We ran very quickly to the entrance with a friend and started crying there. It was very scary.

War changes people very much. They become sometimes evil, sometimes kind. Some people start to be very much afraid of everything, some people are disturbed because of the war.

I would draw a meadow where there are a lot of shards, as there are a lot of shards hitting people right now. I would draw tanks, a very gloomy sky, and trees without leaves. Very dark picture.

Peace means fields without fragments where sunflowers bloomed. The woods are all green, and there are a lot of wildflowers around the field. Very clear sky, without clouds and with a bright, bright sun.

I would like to live peace. I would like everything to return to its place, so that the men who are now fighting, returned to their families, saw their children. And just peace.

So that people, even if they have a war going on there now, so that they don't get upset, but be always happy. It's easier to endure the war this way. It's much easier this way.