"I’ll speak out my thoughts"

Fear ... Such a strange feeling is this fear. Such a seemingly small word, but what horror it can sometimes carry in itself. Everyone has his own fear. Some have a lot of these fears, while others do not.

Where does the fear come from? Perhaps from severe fright. Something suddenly frightened - and the fear remained associated with this event.

What to do? I think you need to attempt to overcome it. Recall the situation when it arose, play it, live it over again. You can draw this fear on paper and then destroy it. But you definitely don't need to live with fear, otherwise it will turn from a small one into a huge one.

Most of all I am afraid of insects, loosing of loved ones and the war.

It's not that I'm actually afraid of insects, they're just unpleasant to me. But losing loved people or loved animals is very scary. I just can't imagine my life without the ones who are close to me, even without my cat.

War is actually, it seems to me, the most terrible thing. War is breaking families, breaking lives, leaving scars on the hearts of millions.

When the war came, all children, even the little ones, became adults and independent. The children immediately began to understand the complexity of the circumstances in which they found themselves. Children started helping adults. They have very little time left for their childhood.

The children's dreams were filled with fear and horror. Now, when I am already relatively adult, I really like to occasionally fall into childhood. Just have a rage with my brother, build a hut under the table and just live, not thinking about problems.

The worst event that I have ever experienced happened because of the war, and strangely enough, it is connected with the fireworks. No, we didn't have fireworks outside the window. I dreamed of fireworks, so big and beautiful ... But in fact these were the shells exploding. The whole sky was red, and outside the window it was so loud ...

I remember how at school we had trainings for evacuation to a bomb shelter. Then we all thought it was very funny and interesting, but soon I realized that it was terrible. Once something exploded - and we were taken out into the hallway, then released home. The school was provisionally closed for distance learning. We were so happy in the begining, and then we realized that it was terrible.

I particularly remember the fifth grade very well because we went to school not on the first of September, but on the first of October. Anyway, there were a lot of memorable events that we considered very cool.

What I am proud of ... I am proud of many things. I am proud that I always try to do something new and interesting. I am proud that I am not like everybody else, I do not try to copy someone, I try to be myself. Most of all, I am proud that I am here and now, that there are people who always support and help me at any moment. People who will understand me at a glance and even from a half-intonation. It is so important when you are understood.

And the most important, I am proud to be alive. Simply bacause of the fact that I live, that I can wake up every day and enjoy life. I am glad that I can say: "How wonderful it is to be alive on such a day!"

How I love to dream! And so many people love to dream. I love to imagine the ideal life or what I want to get. When I'm scared or lonely, I imagine myself on a big fluffy cloud. There are such beautiful colors, it is very enjoyable and cozy there, and most importantly - it is safe.

What do I want ... It's hard to say. Usually children ask for ice cream, new toys, entertainment. That’s the case. At least for children who have not seen death in the face. I, too, formerly had similar desires.

Now my main dream is the end of the war. So that all the families that the war has scattered, unite, so that everyone would be there, at home.

Actually, there are many things in life that you can talk about for a very long time. I wrote about the main thing for me. I want to live the life that was given to me, not in vain. And bring the benefit, if not for others, then at least for oneself.