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Valentina Shevlyakova

"My son almost died after shelling"

views: 1263

Every time after shelling, my 42-year-old son Andrei goes to the hospital. Stress exacerbates his state of health - he has cerebral palsy, he can’t walk, sit, turn and speaks with difficulty. It’s because of birth injury. So, he spends all the time with me (I have a small sewing workshop at home).

Here, in Krasnogorovka, we have no gas and there are power outages, and constant shelling makes our life totally unbearable. When the shelling was particularly strong, my husband and I sat pressed against our son, holding him by hand.

After the shelling, Andrei exacerbated all diseases, including asthma. I went to the hospital six times, underwent several surgeries, two of them with oncology. Three times our son almost died after the shelling. What could I do? It's all because of nervous response.

We spend all our money on medications and firewood. We have a potbelly stove in our house; Andrei shouldn’t freeze. We sustain all difficulties steadily, because without us our son cannot survive. My husband and I are holding on to our son.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Krasnogorivka 2017 Text Civilian's stories
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