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Irina Vasilenko

"The eldest daughter never recovered from the shock”

views: 935

Our house is located next to the boundary line. I have two young daughters, and the youngest learned the lessons of survival in the womb.

I am afraid to let the children play by themselves near the house. Step to the left, step to the right-it is already scary.

The eldest daughter never recovered from the shock”

Two years ago, a shell exploded right in the garden. Fragments of the broken fence still are in the yard. The wall of the house remained broken, and we changed the broken glass in the windows. I was three months pregnant at the time. Fortunately, the baby was born healthy. But the eldest daughter never recovered from the shock. She is afraid, she screams when they start shooting, she hides.

The girls and I hide in the house from the attacks. We don't go to the basement, because it's scary to go down there. We try to get everything in the house into one corner, where there are no windows.

Of course, it is impossible to get used to constant danger, but we try to live an ordinary life in the hope that peace will come.

Another problem is that we lack stable earnings in the village. Our only income is child support and my husband's occasional part-time work.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
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