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"She came out of the basement, where lived for more than a month with her five cats and an old dog"

views: 183

Yuliya Tveritina – Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, master of linear painting, graphic artist, and illustrator. Julia is from Kyiv. For many years she has been living and working in Suzhou (China). From the first days of the war the artist began to keep an art diary of the war.

She came out of the basement, where lived for more than a month with her five cats and an old dog

April 10, 2022. the resilient grandmother of my friend Masha (89 years old!), from Bucha, sits in her former living room on her favorite sofa. She came out of the basement, where lived for more than a month with her five cats and an old dog, and says that now she is quite happy just to be.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Bucha 2022 Text Civilian's stories pensioners shelling safety and life support
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