Over the two years of the invasion, more than 85% of the houses in the village of Kamianske in Zaporizhzhia were damaged. The village has been on the front line since the first days of the war. Vitaliy Herashchenko tells us how they survived there in March 2022.

At first, the man managed to bring medical supplies and medicines for his fellow villagers from a neighbouring village. Later, such trips became impossible. He recalls how the whole street used to hide in a neighbour's basement because his grandfather had built a safe shelter.

The worst started when the Russians started targeting houses. In just a month, ten of Vitaliy's good friends and a relative were killed. The "green corridors" were getting shorter, so the Herashchenkos were leaving under heavy shelling. The man says they were just lucky to get through unscathed.

He learned about the state of the house from his neighbours, but then they left Kamianske as well. Vitaliy still does not know if anything of his property has survived.