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Hanna Niemayer

“My parents were told that I died in the Drama Theatre building”

views: 1077

“In the evening, three men with machine guns came for me. They said that I had been cooperating with Azov regiment. My position was pro-Ukrainian one,” Hanna from Mariupol said. “When staying in the basement, I told my neighbours about it, and somebody betrayed me. My parents were told that I died in the Drama Theatre, while I was alive, but very badly hit morally.”

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Mariupol 2022 Video Civilian's stories women moving destroyed or damaged housing psychological injury shelling safety and life support shelling of Mariupol Separation from loved ones 2022 occupation captivity
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