My dream was taken away by the war. I wanted to do sport and win medals at tournaments, but I had to forget about weightlifting after being shot in the neck in the spring of 2015.
Our village often came under fire. I was returning from my birthday party with friends that night. Then shelling started abruptly. There were 19 of us. We fell on each other, because there was nowhere to run. And a piece of glass wounded my neck.
I had a surgery. Neurosurgeons did not remove one centimeter long fragment, because it was stuck in the cervical vertebra — all nerve endings are there. Doctors said that if I had been moved even a bit, I would have remained a "vegetable"for the rest of my life.

A foreign object in my body is something to reckon with — I often suffer from back and neck pain. I must not make any sudden or awkward movements, otherwise the fragment may move and break some nerves.
But I do not intend to say goodbye to sports forever. I decided to go swimming to keep fit.