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Oleh Husak

“The tank returned, raised its muzzle, and fired between the 4th and 5th floors. Everything fell on us”

views: 788

Together with his wife, their pregnant daughter, their son, and son-in-law, Oleh survived an airstrike on the maternity hospital on 9 March. “We heard the sound of a plane. We ran to the basement. Olia ran forward. The roaring was just terrible,” recalls Oleh, a resident of Mariupol. “Olia hit her head against the wall. I fell on her. Some stones and pieces of glass fell on us. I lost my consciousness. I was covered by the rubble.”

Oleh and Olha [Olia] were seriously injured. They were sent to the regional hospital. The volunteers took their daughter, their son, and son-in-law to the maternity hospital in the left-bank part of the city. And the family was separated for several months.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Mariupol 2022 Video Civilian's stories men wounded psychological injury shelling safety and life support internally displaced persons the first day of the war shelling of Mariupol Separation from loved ones
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