Before the war, we had almost 2000 inhabitants in the village of Peski, but now there are 12 people left. Almost the entire village was destroyed, and life stopped.

We were never able to get used to the war. It was a miracle it didn't kill us.

We left the house in Peski more than a year ago. And I was born and raised there, I'm drawn to it, even though everything is destroyed there.

We stay in Netaylovo, 11 kilometers from the city. Little by little, along the dangerous road, I bring out of the house what little remains after the attacks.

It is difficult to become migrants at my age. Three months before the war started, we lost our daughter, in just three months she was dad because of the brain tumor. I can't accept my grief. We can't go to her grave. My wife cries every day and has had two strokes and a heart attack in recent years. She also has diabetes. It's all because of nerves.

We are now living with our relatives, but we still feel out of place.

The garden is the only thing we can do to feed ourselves. At home, we planted our own garden in our own land. It's all broken up now. What great flower beds we had there! All the time my thoughts go back to my land.