Iryna was practically at the epicentre of a Russian missile attack on Vinnytsia. She had moved there from Kyiv after the enemy invasion began. On that day, Iryna was taking her daughter Lisa to a speech therapy session.

Після вибуху ракети я не розуміла, що моя донечка Ліза загинула

An enemy missile flew right over them, almost at ground level. Iryna didn't have time to do anything, she just turned her back to the explosion.

After the explosion, she was able to stand up, and the shock helped her overcome the pain of her numerous injuries - a broken leg, punctured lungs, and a ruptured liver. She tried to help her child, who was strapped into a pram. She could not even comprehend that her daughter no longer needed help. She asked about Lisa both in the ambulance and in the hospital after the first operation. It was only on the second day that her brain remembered the terrible truth. Recovery from the explosion is still ongoing. Both physical and psychological. Rinat Akhmetov Foundation is helping with this.