“The shelling was heard very, very loudly”

    I came from Poltava. I moved there from Horlivka. I remember [the city] to be old and small. Most of all, I remembered the square where I always went for a walk. 

The shelling was heard very, very loudly, as if it was very close to us. My grandmother lived in an apartment, and a shell hit right into that apartment. So we decided to move for our own safety. I just didn’t understand what was happening and didn’t understand why we were going somewhere far from home. I didn’t want to just leave my home.

   War is something terrible and inexplicable that comes suddenly and may not go away for a very long time. 

   Peace is something calm, something light, probably the opposite of the word “war”. I want to live amidst peace and want it to be everywhere and always. Because the war is going on now, I want it to end.