I ran to them: " We have wounded, come on, they ask you to come." A lad came. And the wounded ... My God, it was terrifying to look! Blue, battered. They were dragging them. Around 14 med went down the hill to our yard.
The soldiers told us: you’d better leave. Well, where can I go? In 2015 it all started! The house above us was set on fire. We planted a garden - watered it. At the neighbor the garden a mine fell, and then two houses further a mine dropped again. I wander how they stayed alive... Uh it was a miracle!
We have no cellar. In from here we lived with the old man. We had a folding bed, and a sofa. We washed, got dressed and went on. W ate - and were up all night. Watching, from where it flies, where it flies to. Everything was rumbling. That’s how we lived. Surely, that was scary. This mine is flying, it is smoking, everything is buzzing. I shout to my old man: “That's all, the end! " Not yet… then, we shell live.

Three times we were under fire, terrible to remember, of course. We were driving from the city early in the morning, and they [started shooting] ... The military told us: " When the sun rises, the bombing begins. " Well, we were on the way. When the sun was just beginning to rise - they opened fire. And we were on a hill.
We leaped out of the car. Our daughter was also with us. We lied down by the fence around the house. And then my husband says: “Get to the car, let 's go to home”. And there we go, and in front of us a tree falls; and we flew through this tree. God knows how.
As we went down, we glanced – behind there were two houses of wood set on fire near the resort building. The houses were flaring up - [shells hit them] hit. And then we, quickly rushed to the car, Hidden. My daughter had blisters all over her body, so nervous she was. And my speech was lost, I poked, bummed, could not say anything. And he [husband] was scared, got me into the car and drove into the city. And we were in the city.
In the morning we’ll come and work, water garden with buckets; we had no power, so we left for the night. And so for three weeks. And then we stayed - and that’s all, no one is going anywhere.
At the road mines began to fly, two glasses then were burst in this house two glasses were burst. And the cracks went on. It [shell] did not hit right there and the crack went from shaking.

With my old man, we somehow went out on the road in the evening to see what is being bombed there. And something just flew before us with a buzz. I said: “Oh hawk! " And he [husband] says: " Well, no, it’s titmouse. " And this was a sniper! “There,” he said, is your titmouse! " I said: " Come on, let’s hide, we shouldn’t go ahead with our mouths gaped. That’s, he warned that we should not stand there with our mouth open».
It was hard, when they reorganized our retirement payments, for three months we had no money, it was very difficult ... Well, then it got a little better, adjusted, we started to take animals to our household, then we took ducklings, turkeys we were given, some chickens - somehow it got better more or less.

Doctors came. What did they say? “You are even with humor!” " And I said: " What can we do, without humor, what should we do? "
We didn’t have any money, there was nothing, although there was flour, condensed milk. Where the food for our little child? This is what Rinat Akhmetov has given and is giving now! Thanks, very much thanks to him.
I often think: one man turned out to be so nice, although we have a lot of such rich. Right? No one else gave help, nobody. He is the only person in the world.
I wish you all health and patience. We do need patience.