My Yasynovata family consists of my father, mother, me and my younger sister. My father works on the railway,  as well as my mother; my sister goes to kindergarten, and I go to school.

Before the war, all our family members liked to spend weekends together, we went to playgrounds and shops, visited grandparents and other relatives. On weekdays, when my mom and dad were at work, I was at school, and my sister was in kindergarten, we would gather in the evenings, have dinner and tell them how the day was.

But then the war started, and we went to visit relatives. When it got quieter, we went back. Peace never came, and our lives have changed dramatically. More than once we saw the shells fell to the neighboring houses and in the streets nearby.

It was very scary, but there was nowhere to go from the war, because of it our family broke up. My mother and I went to Dobropillia, and my father stayed behind to look after the house and pets.

I remember one of the most frightening moments. We were sitting at home and were about to go to bed, but suddenly it started shooting. We went into the corridor and were going to go to the basement, but my mother said we did not have to, and she was right, because glass fell where we were supposed to go. If we went there, I don't know what would happen to us.

Summer came, and I came to the camp "Soniachnyi". I am grateful to Rinat Akhmetov for the fact that I spend this summer under a peaceful sky.