The roof was damaged because of the war. The ceiling was all in cracks and could collapse. The window frames, the panes were damaged..

In January, we were shelled by Grad in the morning and in the evening. Our neighbour was wounded. Our neighbours’ house was damaged too. They were staying in the cellar then. Our windows were damaged. I went out and saw some bricks flying and everything looked as if it was covered with cement. The kid was in the room with my mother. I thought that they were no longer alive.

The military men came then. I said that I could not stand it any longer, I could not take it anymore and asked to take me out of here together with my kid. Half an hour later they were transporting a wounded soldier and they called in. They evacuated our neighbours and me with my kid to Kamyanka. My mother did not go with us.

Then we got to Mykolayiv region. We came there without anything at all. We came there as we were. There are good people there who helped me literally with everything. The kid was going to school in the neighbouring village. I was receiving social payments as an IDP and some child care payments as a single mother.
Most importantly, I ask God that it all ends and that peace comes. I don't want anything else. We want our children to see peace. Wherever we go, we will never have anything of our own. We will still be like a homeless man under a fence. When something thunders, I don't want anything at all. And it's almost every day…