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Yuliya Prylipina

“All the other houses around my house were already on fire. I was afraid to fall asleep and be burned alive”

views: 564

In March, Yulia Prylipina measured her wealth in litres of drinking water. Four bottles of water that she managed to bring up to the ninth floor made her richer than Elon Musk. She continued to live in her flat, which was just madness by the standards of Mariupol in March. Not because of some unwisdom or bravado. Going down to the basement would just mean betraying her grandmother, who could not get up any more. Courage can be of different forms.

When quoting a story, a reference to the source – the Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation – is mandatory, as follows:

The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Mariupol 2022 2023 Video Civilian's stories women moving psychological injury shelling loss of loved ones safety and life support water people with disabilities elderly (60+) internally displaced persons
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