Nataliia Malynovska, a resident of the village of Dibrova, tells about her life during the war in Ukraine. Nataliia describes how their village was close to the war zone: “There were explosions, fire, smoke everywhere. We were living like on a powder keg.

Surprisingly, their house remained intact, but Nataliia could not help but recall the horrific events that were happening around her. Her cousin lived on the outskirts of Bucha. When communication and electricity were cut off in the village, the family was forced to go out into the field under fire to catch a signal and find out about each other’s fate.

When she started volunteering, Nataliia became actively involved in helping the military. Together with her husband, they make nets to protect Ukrainian soldiers. Nataliia feels very responsible for this work because she knows that the nets save lives. She recalls her cousin, who has been at the front for many years, and how important it is that their help reaches those who are defending the country.