Our village of Zaitsevo, Donetsk Oblast, is located in the 'gray zone.' And it already suffers from a food crisis. We have only one shop operational. And goods are delivered intermittently.

The roads in Zaitsevo have been practicly destroyed. To deliver food to us, you need to pass the swamp and move over the puddles, which look like lakes now. And this is our only store right between the checkpoints.

Prices in the shop are shocking. One candle costs 17 UAH. A kilogram of apples costs the same. Herring is almost 70. Candy are 120 UAH, and a loaf of bread is 10 UAH. But you still need to buy it. I can't remember the taste of fresh bread. The last time I bought it was over a month ago. I put it in the freezer to save it. And then, when necessary, I will put it on the table – it will melt.

 The shop-assistant says that bread delivery is possible only three times a week. No more than 50 kilograms of food is allowed to pass through the checkpoint. But even this requires payment.

We all dream to return to the old life. There are about 100 of us left – those who have nowhere to run.