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Olena Bykhova

«На старости лет я осталась без крыши над головой»

views: 867

I was born in the town of Rakhiv, Zakarpattia Oblast. I came to Zhovanka on Komsomol assignment. I worked as a milkmaid at the state farm for 35 years. When I retired later I thought I would live in peace and quiet. But my dreams were not meant to come true.

In 2014, a war suddenly came to my village. My fellow villagers and I had to face a difficult situation. We were not paid our pension payments. We could not even buy food.

We saw how people died and continue to die. We saw our houses bombed and burnt.

The same misfortune happened to me.

On 8 March 2017, the first shell flew into my house.

All the windows flew out, the roof and accessory buildings were partially broken.

From 23 to 24 March, my house was hit again after the next shelling.  Now it is completely destroyed. In my old age, I was left without a permanent home. The furniture, utensils, everything I gained working hard for years was damaged. Now I am huddling in a small little wing, which is adapted to live in only in the summer. During shelling attacks, which continue to this day, I hide in a cold and damp basement.

However, I try not to lose heart, I hope that this war will end soon.    

I really appreciate that Rinat Leonidovich Akhmetov supports us by delivering food packages. They indeed come in handy. Please accept my bow low for the love and care and for not forgetting us.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Zhovanka 2014 Text Civilian's stories
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