‘For me, the war means...’

when people fight for unclear reasons.

When did the war in Donbass begin for you?

The war started when the airport was bombed. It became clear it was no joke anymore. That was the time when we left Donetsk, and when we came back in early September, the city was empty, with no people around. Then everything became clear.

What did you talk about with your family and neighbours during active hostilities?

About the main thing — how to survive.

What do you remember the most from the experience you went through during the war?

I remember intensive shelling in 2014 and 2015. The parties could not find a mutual solution, and ordinary people were dying because of them.

Have you moved out to other places because of the war?

We had left for several months but came back as we could not afford to rent a flat. Here I have my housing and everything. We also left for half a year when I was pregnant. We simply fled. We went to the seaside for a month while it was warm but had to come back. 

How has the war changed your life?

They introduced a curfew in the city. It became impossible to get home in the evening smoothly. There is no civilization. The city used to thrive but now it is withering away. All previous transport and infrastructure are gone. 

Do you feel safe now?

No, I do not.

What stands in the way?

Two parties must find a mutually acceptable solution, and then this would be over.

What do you dream about?

About this situation to be over. About a peaceful world.

What is happiness for you?

Peace in the world.

What has become the greatest value for you over the last years?

I have given birth to my second child. This is the most important thing.

What did you learn while overcoming all those difficulties you told us about?

Not sure how to answer this question. What can you learn from this? We just live on. That is it. Going with the flow, so to say.

Have you or your family received humanitarian aid before?

In Donetsk? Yes, we have.

If yes, how important this humanitarian assistance has been for you and your family?

When I gave birth to my second child, I received baby food, some cereals. We received child support.

In your opinion, what organization or individuals helped civilians the most during the conflict?

I do not know, some Russian organisation. And in Donetsk when it just started, I was receiving help from Rinat Akhmetov. He helped the most. He helped a lot of children with cerebral palsy and other children with health issues.