Because of the war, our house and apiary, which is the food provider to our large family, were damaged. I still remember that August battle in terror. I had to sit with the children in a dark and damp basement that day.

Аs it was very dangerous to stay in the house.The walls were collapsing right before our eyes. The house is old. It shakes and cracks because of the shooting. We didn't know if the building would withstand another attack.

We did not have any money for repairs, after all. I'm on maternity leave and my husband doesn't have a job. Farms were all closed down because of the war.

My husband inherited the apiary from my grandfather. There was even enough honey to sell. But things are much worse now. A lot of bees died during the winter attacks. We are not even trying to think ahead whether the bees will be able to survive this winter.