I am a pensioner, already a widow. In 2017, she suffered a heart attack, heart surgery, sick thyroid gland and liver.

During the shelling, people flew into my yard, windows were broken, the roof was raised, and other buildings were damaged. I often lie in the hospital, my health has deteriorated, and now I am left alone.

When hostilities began, we did not believe, did not expect this. When everything was flying, we stood and watched. Killed our cow. I was very worried about this and then I had a heart attack.

We understood that something was coming, but we did not think that everything would be so serious. For two months I did not leave the basement at all, I ate and washed my face there. The stress was terrible.

The cow was killed in 2014, and in 2017 the barn was smashed, ducks died, hay was scattered. This trouble has not gone away.

We can't even get to the cemetery, my husband was buried elsewhere.

My husband received humanitarian aid from the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation, the Red Cross, Samaritans helped. But mostly we received food packages from the Foundation.

Of course, the war changed our lives. I go everywhere by myself. Good thing I'm still on my feet. I dream that everything will end, go to bed and not think that I will need to run somewhere and hide somewhere. We want peace to come, and Ukraine to prosper, so that we live and do not grieve, as it was before.