They didn't even know what it was. When one shot went off, they didn't immediately realize what it was. And when they started launching Grads, when we could hear that whistling over our head, we understood what it was.

A shell fell right next to a neighbor's house. The whole wall was destroyed. I'm surprised this child survived. It was a miracle, because the child was sleeping behind that wall. He was asleep, so he didn't even get scared.
Shells and Grads were flying through the village. That's the worst part. We managed to make it till night. But nights were the worst. The grandchildren were little at that time. We had to wake them up and hide in basements because there was nowhere to go. Shells fell in the garden. They ruptured the gas pipeline. That's the worst part.

2014-2015. It was winter. We had no light, no water, no food… Although they brought it here, we weren't that eager to come here, because there were attacks all around. I fear for the children. I've already lived a little, but I want to live on. The children, grandchildren, on the other hand, are so young.
When attacks started, schools and kindergartens were closed. It was scary, but there was nothing we could do. We couldn't change it. We can only pray to God that it will all get better one day. We've had enough of that. It has lasted for six year. How much can people suffer?
The most difficult thing now is that there is no work anywhere in the village. Young people go to the city, which is not so hospitable, to tell the truth. What is there left to do? What should we do now? That's the worst part. There are a lot of pensioners here, and they would still like to work. They won't get a job in the city. And there are no jobs here either.
We can't go to the cemetery for three years — they won't let us in. They say that the area there might get shelled. When someone dies, and the funeral is over, only close relatives are allowed to go in, no one else.
If only my wife was alive. I would be so happy. The last time we all met was when wife was 45 years old. We celebrated her birthday here.

I wish it would stop. I wish this war stopped. I wish people could lived like they used to live before. That's the most important part. I wish we could sleep peacefully at night. I wish we wouldn't have to think they would shoot again. To stop the war is the most important thing. This is not just my opinion. Just ask anyone. Everyone shares my opinion.