We used to live well, very well. We were all friendly. We had no arguments with anyone. And now we live in a very difficult time. The environment here is very depressing.

There were attacks here. We have no bomb shelters close-by. There is no place to hide. Well, in short, and the shells were flying over our heads everywhere. 

It was so dreadful. You know, you go to bed earlier and squeeze into this corner, listening to the sounds where a shell is going to fall. And pray to God that it would not fall here.

The worst moment was in 2014, well, in early 2015, because there was a lot of shooting attacks from all sides. We had shells falling nearby. Here, in the yard and on the road. Thank God that the house hasn't been destroyed. Others have ruins instead of homes. So it is very difficult and dangerous. You don't know what will happen next.

Sometimes I cried. I used to squeeze my fists so as not to cry. My husband can't walk. So I had to check if everything was all right myself. See if nothing was destroyed.

My husband's name is Oleksandr Sharapov. He is 73 years old. He has been paralysed twice. A stroke and heart attacks were the reason. Nobody cared for us. We have been deserted. You know how? We have no one to go and complain to. I don't go anywhere, and I don't complain. We have what we have.

I receive a pension of 1300 UAH, and my husband gets 1300 UAH. So, we have the total of 2600 UAH. Gas is very expensive, very expensive. I don't know how we managed to do it. We won't be able to heat it and pay for it. And the drugs are expensive. Well, I spend around 1000 UAH on medication. I have about 300-400 UAH left for food. If it weren't for the humanitarian aid, I wouldn't even know what we would do.

No one wants to live at war. We lived peacefully. What good did it do? It just brings ruin and death, that's all.