Lidiia Yurochkyna and her three children lived for almost three months in Mariupol, engulfed in the flames of war. Her apartment was burned down, and her one-and-a-half-year-old son almost died of dehydration when they lived for a month in a basement under terrible shelling. Children were starving: they ate one potato a day, and Lidiia herself scarcely had any food. Houses were razed to the ground, and people were dying… 

They thought their lives were about to end more than once, but they survived and got out of Mariupol... But the most difficult and important thing for the Yurochkyn family is to wait for their father’s return... On February 26, 2022, Lidiia’s husband, renowned mountaineering and climbing coach Yevhen Yurochkyn, went to the enlistment office to defend his city and his country. His family never saw him again. In April 2022, Yevhen was taken prisoner…