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"Lyuba died in Mariupol when she left home in search of humanitarian aid"

views: 149

Yuliya Tveritina – Academician of the National Academy of Arts of Ukraine, master of linear painting, graphic artist, and illustrator. Julia is from Kyiv. For many years she has been living and working in Suzhou (China). From the first days of the war the artist began to keep an art diary of the war.

Lyuba died in Mariupol when she left home in search of humanitarian aid

Some time ago I read that Lyuba, the younger sister of Varvara (from Kyiv) and Nastya (St.Petersburg), died in Mariupol when she left home in search of humanitarian aid. Most tragically, her parents found out about this a month later, and it’s still unknown where she is buried. I remembered Lyuba as a little girl, with whom we played together several times and built a hut of sunflowers, and I don’t know how she moved from Kyiv to Mariupol, and I don’t know anything about how she lived and what kind of person she became. Perhaps this distancing helped me draw a memorable diary page for her after all.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Mariupol 2022 Text Civilian's stories youth shelling loss of loved ones safety and life support shelling of Mariupol
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