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Dariya Hulakova

"Going to bed, I heard shelling"

views: 932

I live in Khartsyzk. Luckily I witnessed the war, just a little. Still, there were a few points that I would like to talk about.  

I think it the outset of hostilities. It was 2015. At this time, my city faced the war. I was going to bed to the sounds of shellfire for a few weeks. At times like this I was very terrified of the shellfire. Even the windows were shaking.

Furthermore, I believe that in 2015, when I was walking around with my friends, I saw tanks more than once. We did not know where they were going. The unknowing made it even worse. They could stop anywhere, and the mere thought that the war could reach my city, made it even more horrifying.

I dream that the war would stop, and that peace would finally reign in Donbass.

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The Museum of Civilian Voices of the Rinat Akhmetov Foundation

Rinat Akhmetov Foundation Civilian Voices Museum
Khartsyzk 2015 Text Civilian's stories
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