In our village here is only poverty and ruins. There is shooting. I just had opened the door to the street and a bullet whistled over me and hit a nut-tree.

My house was destroyed; I live with my disabled son in a summer kitchen that belongs to others. The son is disabled since childhood, he is 54 years old, he does not speak, he does not hear, he can’t always get out of bed.

I feel lonely, because I had a big family.

I have already a great-granddaughter, she is two years and seven months old, but I have never seen her in with eyes. My relatives turned out to be beyond the line of demarcation; they were not allowed to travel to Peski. And I do not leave this place, since health does not allow it. Last year, I stumbled when she I hiding from shelling. I got a hip fracture and long-term treatment in the hospital. Now I have a scar halfway the leg after surgery and a plate is installed inside.

They bring medications from Rinat Akhmetov’s Headquarters for me and for my son. I would not be able to buy them, pharmacies in the village are closed for three years now.